Saturday, February 2, 2008

Orlando, FL

My friend just retruned from a family vacation she took down to the Orlando, Fl area and could not stop gushing about how much fun she had. She told me all the things that she got to do and it got me thinking that I should check out this place sometime. She told me about her trip to magical Disney World, MGM Studios, and the Seaworld of Orlando. Since I was a little girl I have always wanted to go to Disney World and see my favorite childhood heroes in person, and I still would like to see them even as an adult. She also recommended a very popular restuarant, Texas de Brazil, where they serve your food on spears while dressed in tribal costumes! Sounds amazing. To do a little inverstigation of my own, I used the Happy Mappy Service to look up all the places she went and to find out what all Orlando has to offer. I found some great stuff I would like to try out when I go such as the Kennedy Space center and Discovery Cove. I would also like to visit The Holy Land Experience which is a biblical history museum that lets you walk the streets of Jerusalem Street markets as it appeared 2000 years ago among other bibical exhibits. There is also the Grand Cypress Equestrian Center that offers horse-back riding as well as riding lessons. Orlando is also home to the Orlando Magics NBA basketball team which would make for a fun and exciting evening with friends and family. And of course with all these fun things to do during the day you know the nightlife has to be just as invigorating in such a happening city. I'd like to check out The Velvet Bar at the Hard Rock Hotel, which was recently voted Orlando's best bar, where they offer fantastic, live entertainment as well as a world-class atmosphere. Sounds like the perfect place for Family vacations or a great place to escape with friends.

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